Donate to LimmudPhilly

LimmudPhilly is a non-profit program that requires generous donations from people like you to make sure we can bring you the best learningfest every year.  Please consider making a donation today!

Did you know that the real cost of LimmudPhilly 2010 was about $226 per person?  The only way to keep prices low is by support from our community.

Please give generously. 

Your contribution of:

  • $54 gives a partial scholarship to an attendee who cannot otherwise afford to attend
  • $180 covers recycling expenses for LimmudPhilly 2010
  • $250 brings a presenter from NYC or DC
  • $1000 brings a presenter from Israel

Any amount is appreciated.  If you would prefer that your gift remain anonymous, please mention it in the “comments” field upon check-out.

Thank you so much for your generosity.  A tax letter will be sent to your email.  Please contact the LimmudPhilly office with questions 267-235-4083.